Controlled Air Charter Capacity

We are proud to provide in-depth knowledge of air charter operations and make sure you are always on the fast track

Our Services

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Plan it.

It all begins with a plan. We are happy to assist you with air freight expertise at the earliest stages of your planning including in-depth analysis of loadability, route planning, traffic rights and much more. So that most of operational aspects are covered.

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Optimise it.

Air freight, especially charter one is not the cheapest option to move the goods around the world, but we aim to provide the most cost effecitive solution with our great variety of controlled aircraft capacity, worldwide charter operation coverage and regional availability.

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Do it.

We will be with you for the whole duration of your air charter journey from the planning to completion. And if you need anything extra such as ground support, supervision, hire of special equipment - just ask, we are here to help you.

Contact us.
+358 44 985 50 87

Knitter Business Park, Kutojantie 6-8, Building 1, 02630, Espoo, Finland